ASP Uploader Class Reference

CuteWebUI Namespace

CuteWebUI is a collection of classes that allow you to create Web server controls on an ASP.NET Web page.

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
AttachmentItem This class represents an Attachment Item.
AttachmentItemCollection This class represents/maintains a collection of Attachment items.
AttachmentItemEventArgs Event parameters used for events (AttachmentCheckChanged,AttachmentCreated,AttachmentDataBound,AttachmentAdded) that take an Item as one of its arguments.
PersistedFile This class represents a Single File object.
PersistedFileEventArgs Provides data for the FileChanged events.
UploadAttachments This class allows you upload multiple files with a single element. The uploaded file will be added to the list of attachments. Just the way Gmail does for email attachment.
Uploader This class represents an enhanced control for uploading files to the server.
UploaderBase The base class defines the properties, methods, and events that are shared by Uploader, UploadPersistedFile and UploadAttachments.
AspUploadFile Provides data for the FileValidating and FileUploaded(After Upload) events.
UploaderLicenseException ?
UploaderLicenseProvider UploaderLicenseProvider
UploaderProvider This abstract class represents a Uploader Provider object.
UploaderValidateOption A helper class which can be used to hold validation information, used by the PHP File Uploader.
UploadFileBase Represents an UploadFileBase object.
UploadModule This class represents an Upload Module object.
UploadPersistedFile This class represents an enhanced control for uploading files to the server. The object can persist across postbacks.


Interface Description
IAttachmentProvider Represents an interface for an Attachment Provider.


Delegate Description
AttachmentItemEventHandler Represents the method that will handle Attachment control events.
PersistedFileEventHandler Represents the method that will handle Uploader control events.
UploaderEventHandler Represents the method that will handle Uploader control events.


Enumeration Description
AttachmentItemBehavior ?
AttachmentItemTemplatePosition Specifies the Attachment Item Template Position.
EnumUploaderLicense ?
ProgressBarType Specifies the style that a ProgressBar uses to indicate the progress of an operation.
UploaderAdvancedOption This enumeration is used by Uploader.SetAdvancedOption.
UploadType The global type of upload method to use.