There are 4 simple steps to create a custom progress bar panel:

  1. Create a panel control which will be used as custom progress bar panel.
  2. Create a label control inside panel control. This label control will be used as custom progress text label.
  3. Use the ProgressCtrlID property to specify the ID of panel control.
  4. Use the ProgressTextID property to specify the ID of progress text label.


  1. <%Language="VBScript" %>  
  2. <!--Step 1: Register Uploader to your page -->  
  3. <!-- #include file="aspuploader/include_aspuploader.asp" -->  
  4. <html>  
  5. <body>  
  6.     <div>  
  7.     <%
  8.         'Step 2: Create Uploader object     
  9.         Dim uploader   
  10.         Set uploader=new AspUploader   
  11.         'Step 3: Set a unique name to Uploader
  12.         uploader.Name="myuploader"
  13.         uploader.SaveDirectory="savefiles"  
  14.         'Step 4: Specify the ID of the control that will be used as progress bar panel.   
  15.         uploader.ProgressCtrlID="uploaderprogresspanel"
  16.         'Step 5: Render Uploader
  17.         uploader.GetString()   
  18.     %>
  19.        <div id="uploaderprogresspanel" style='display:none;background-color:orange;border:dashed 2px gray;padding:4px;' BorderColor="Orange" BorderStyle="dashed">   
  20.        <span id="uploaderprogresstext" style='color:firebrick'></span>   
  21.       </div>  
  22.     </div>  
  23. </body>  
  24. </html>