ASP Uploader Class Reference

UploadAttachments Members

UploadAttachments overview

Public Instance Constructors
UploadAttachments Constructor Initializes a new instance of the UploadAttachments class.
Public Instance Properties
ActionButtonBehavior Specify the default behavior when user click the remove button on an attachment item
ActionButtonText Gets or sets Action Button Text.
AttachmentTableStyle Specifies the style for the attachment table.
AttachmentTRStyle Specifies the style for rows of the attachment table.
AutoUseSystemTempFolder (inherited from UploaderBase) A system temporary folder or temporary directory is a directory used to hold temporary files. By default, when PHP File Uploader detects TempDirectory propery is not set, it will automatically use the system temporary folder. if web.config sepcified the TempDirectory appSetting, this would not take effects. You can turn this feature off by setting it to "false".
BindingContainer (inherited from Control)?
ButtonOnClickScript (inherited from UploaderBase) JavaScript code that be executed when the browse button be clicked.
CancelAllMsg (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the "Cancel all Uploads" message.
CancelButton (inherited from Uploader)?
CancelButtonID (inherited from UploaderBase) It allows the developers specify a server control to use as the cancel button of PHP File Uploader.
CancelButtonStyle (inherited from Uploader) Gets the cancel button style.
CancelText (inherited from Uploader) Gets or sets the cancel text.
CancelUploadMsg (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the "Cancel upload" message.
ClientID (inherited from Control)?
Controls (inherited from Control)?
CustomProvider Gets or sets the custom provider.
DialogFilter (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the current file name filter string, which determines the choices that appear in the file browser dialog box. Please note that only ValidateOption.AllowedFileExtensions property determine the allowed file extensions for uploading.
DirtyText (inherited from UploadFileBase) Gets or sets the dirty text.
EnableViewState (inherited from Control)?
FileTooLargeMsg (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the "File too large" message.
FileTypeNotSupportMsg (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the "file type not support" message.
FlashUploadPage (inherited from UploaderBase) set a special page for Flash - Integrated Windows Authentication chould be also set to web.config appSettings : CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.FlashUploadPage (CuteEditor.AjaxUploader.FlashUploadPage for CuteEditor)
FlashWarningImage (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the FlashWarning Image.
HeaderRowStyle Gets the header row style.
HideNoItemTable Gets or sets a value indicating whether [hide no item table].
ID (inherited from Control)?
InputboxCSSText (inherited from UploaderBase) Sets or retrieves the appearance of the file input control.
InsertButton (inherited from Uploader)?
InsertButtonID (inherited from UploaderBase) It allows the developers specify a server control to use as the insert button of PHP File Uploader.
InsertButtonStyle (inherited from Uploader) Gets the insert button style.
InsertText Gets or sets the insert text.
ItemCellStyle Gets the item cell style.
ItemCheckStyle Gets the item check style.
ItemLabelStyle (inherited from UploadFileBase) Gets the item label style.
Items Get the uploaded files list.
ItemTemplatePosition Gets or sets the item template position.
ItemTextTemplate (inherited from UploadFileBase) Gets or sets the item text template.
ManualStartUpload (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether Uploader automatically starts uploading as soon as a user selects a file.
MaxFilesLimit (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the maximum number of files that can be uploaded.
MaxFilesLimitMsg (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the "File too large" message.
NamingContainer (inherited from Control)?
NumFilesShowCancelAll (inherited from UploaderBase)?
Page (inherited from Control)?
Parent (inherited from Control)?
ProgressBarBackgroundImage (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the background image for the ProgressBar control.
ProgressBarBorderStyle (inherited from UploaderBase) Specifies the border style for the ProgressBar control.
ProgressBarHeight (inherited from UploaderBase) The height of the Progress bar. Default is 15.
ProgressBarStyle (inherited from UploaderBase) Specifies the style that a ProgressBar uses to indicate the progress of an operation.
ProgressCtrlID (inherited from UploaderBase) It allows the developers specify a server control to use as the progress control of PHP File Uploader.
ProgressInfoStyle (inherited from UploaderBase) The style to be applied to the progress information.
ProgressLabel (inherited from Uploader)?
ProgressLabelStyle (inherited from Uploader) Gets the progress label style.
ProgressPanel (inherited from Uploader)?
ProgressPanelStyle (inherited from Uploader) Gets the progress panel style.
ProgressPanelWidth (inherited from UploaderBase) The width of the Progress Panel. Default is 500.
ProgressPicture (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets a progress fill picture for the ProgressBar control.
ProgressTextID (inherited from UploaderBase) It allows the developers specify a server control to show the progress text of PHP File Uploader.
ProgressTextTemplate (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the progress text template. %P% = percent,%T% = seconds remain,%F% = filename. %SEND% = uploaded size , %SIZE% = file size , %KBPS% means KB/s , %KBPS% = B/s For example : %F%.. %P% %SEND%/%SIZE% , %KBPS% , %T% seconds left.
RemoveButtonBehavior Specify the default behavior when user click the remove button on an attachment item
RemoveButtonText Gets or sets Remove Button Text.
ShowActionButtons Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show Action icons].
ShowCheckBoxes Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show checkboxes].
ShowFileIcons Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show file icons].
ShowFrameBrowseButton (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether Uploader should render a browse button for FireFox/Opera in Iframe Mode.
ShowProgressBar (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the progress bar is displayed. The UploadModule must be installed to use this feature.
ShowProgressInfo (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the progress information is displayed when uploading. The UploadModule must be installed to use this feature.
ShowRemoveButtons Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show Remove icons].
ShowTableHeader Specifies whether the Table Header appear.
Site (inherited from Control)?
TableHeaderTemplate Gets or sets the table header template.
TableStyle Gets the table style.
TempDirectory (inherited from UploaderBase) Specifies where AjaxUploader should put the temporary files.
TemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control)?
UniqueID (inherited from Control)?
UploadingMsg (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the "Uploading.." message.
UploadProcessingMsg (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the "upload is processing" message.
UploadType (inherited from UploaderBase) The global type of upload method to use.
ValidateOption (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets the validate option.
Visible (inherited from Control)?
WindowsDialogLimitMsg (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets or sets the message for windows file browse dialog 32K file name length limitation.
Public Instance Methods
AddCustomAttachment Adds the custom attachment.
DataBind (inherited from Control)?
DeleteAllAttachments Deletes all attachments.
DeleteAttachment Deletes the specified attachment.
DeleteUncheckedAttachments Deletes the unchecked attachments.
Dispose (inherited from Control)?
Equals (inherited from Object)?
FindControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded. ?
GetAdvancedOption (inherited from UploaderBase)Overloaded. ?
GetAttachmentCount Gets the attachment count.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)?
GetItemsTable Get the table for items.
GetType (inherited from Object)?
GetUploaderProvider (inherited from UploaderBase) Gets the uploader provider instance to handle file data.
HasControls (inherited from Control)?
RenderControl (inherited from Control)?
ResolveUrl (inherited from Control)?
SetAdvancedOption (inherited from UploaderBase)Overloaded. ?
SetRenderMethodDelegate (inherited from Control)?
ToString (inherited from Object)?
Upload (inherited from UploaderBase)Overloaded. Use server file to simulate file uploading and uploaded event. This method affects all child types.
Public Instance Events
AttachmentActionClicked Occurs when the user click the item action button.
AttachmentAdded Occurs when attachment be uploaded.
AttachmentCheckChanged Occurs when attachment check changed.
AttachmentCreated Occurs when attachment control created.
AttachmentDataBound Occurs when attachment control data bound.
AttachmentHided Occurs when the user click the item remove button.
AttachmentRemoveClicked Occurs when the user click the item remove button.
DataBinding (inherited from Control)?
Disposed (inherited from Control)?
FileUploaded (inherited from UploaderBase) fired when a file are uploaded and validated
FileValidating (inherited from UploaderBase) attach custom code to validate the uploading file
Init (inherited from Control)?
Load (inherited from Control)?
PreRender (inherited from Control)?
Unload (inherited from Control)?
Protected Instance Properties
ChildControlsCreated (inherited from Control)?
Context (inherited from Control)?
Events (inherited from Control)?
HasChildViewState (inherited from Control)?
IsBrowserSupportUploadScript (inherited from UploaderBase) detect whether the browser support the script upload
IsDesignMode (inherited from UploaderBase)?
IsTrackingViewState (inherited from Control)?
ViewState (inherited from Control)?
ViewStateIgnoresCase (inherited from Control)?
Protected Instance Methods
AddControlIDToAttribute (inherited from Uploader)?
AddParsedSubObject (inherited from Control)?
BuildProfileTree (inherited from Control)?
ClearChildViewState (inherited from Control)?
CreateControlCollection (inherited from Control)?
EnsureChildControls (inherited from Control)?
Finalize (inherited from Object)?
FindControl (inherited from Control)Overloaded. ?
GetAdvancedOption (inherited from UploaderBase)Overloaded. ?
IsLiteralContent (inherited from Control)?
MapPathSecure (inherited from Control)?
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)?
OnBubbleEvent (inherited from Control)?
OnDataBinding (inherited from Control)?
OnFileValidating (inherited from UploaderBase)?
OnInit (inherited from UploaderBase)?
OnLoad (inherited from UploaderBase)?
OnPreRender (inherited from UploaderBase) OnPreRender
OnUnload (inherited from UploaderBase)?
RaiseBubbleEvent (inherited from Control)?
RenderChildren (inherited from Uploader)?
RenderInsertButton (inherited from Uploader)?
RenderProgressCtrl (inherited from Uploader)?
SetAdvancedOption (inherited from UploaderBase)Overloaded. ?
Protected Internal Instance Fields
_itemLabelStyle (inherited from UploadFileBase)?
Protected Internal Instance Methods
AddedControl (inherited from Control)?
RemovedControl (inherited from Control)?
See Also

UploadAttachments Class | CuteWebUI Namespace