ASP Uploader Class Reference

UploadModule Members

UploadModule overview

Public Static (Shared) Properties
LimitSpeedForTest Gets a value indicating whether [limit upload speed for test].
UploadModuleSkipKB Gets the upload module skip KB.
Public Static (Shared) Methods
HandleAddonUpload a public method to handle the flash/silverlight mode upload of IHttpHandler.
HandleResource process the resources.
Public Instance Constructors
UploadModule Constructor Initializes a new instance of the UploadModule class.
Public Instance Methods
Equals (inherited from Object)?
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)?
GetType (inherited from Object)?
ToString (inherited from Object)?
Protected Instance Methods
Finalize (inherited from Object)?
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)?
See Also

UploadModule Class | CuteWebUI Namespace